岐阜聖徳学園大学 岐阜聖徳学園大学短期大学部



 岐阜聖徳学園大学(短期大学部含む)は建学の精神である仏教の教えに基づき、「皆かけがえのない尊いいのちを持つことに気づくこと(平等)」、「あらゆるいのちの個性を受け入れ共感すること(寛容)」、「あらゆるいのちに奉仕すること(利他)」 を人間として目指すべき精神とし、大学教育や学生の人格形成につとめています。そのため、今回のウクライナ侵攻は、決して受け入れることはできません。早急にロシア軍が撤退し、対話による平和的な解決を強く望みます。

                                  学長 観 山 正 見

Statement on the Russian Invasion of Ukraine

Russia's recent invasion of Ukraine is an attempt to unilaterally change the status quo by force. It is an act that destroys the very foundation of international order. It is a clear violation of international law, and we strongly condemn it.

Gifu Shotoku Gakuen University and Gifu Shotoku Gakuen University Junior College are based on the teachings of Buddhism, which is the founding spirit of our school; we believe that "Equality--being aware that all people have precious and irreplaceable lives", "Tolerance--accepting and sympathizing with the individuality of all life", and "Altruism--serving all life"--are the spirit we should strive for as human beings. We strive to form the character of our university education and our students with these beliefs as the spirit to which we should aspire. Therefore, the current invasion of Ukraine is not by any means acceptable. We strongly hope that Russian troops will withdraw from the area as soon as possible and that the situation will be resolved peacefully through dialogue.

                                 April 8, 2022
                                 Shoken MIYAMA
   President of Gifu Shotoku Gakuen University・Gifu Shotoku Gakuen University Junior College